The ACTICO RegTech Day – where compliance and IT experts converge. Topping the agenda for this year's event is crypto and the role of compliance within the digital transformation and decision-making process. Please note that this conference will be held in German.
Increasingly, a crucial go-to component for banks that leverage AI to facilitate their compliance procedures. Machine learning particularly excels in three areas of compliance.
How far have banks and insurance companies advanced on the quest to digitalise money-laundering prevention? At the RegTech Day, company project managers will update you on the latest progress.
How is AI and ML being used for regulatory compliance today and what benefits do they bring? How is RegTech helping financial enterprises in managing their regulatory processes?
The stock boom of recent years has seen the number of duplicates in stock trading explode. We look at the ways banks can improve the duplicates that arise when their employees trade in securities via third-party institutions.
Various factors are pushing decision-makers in banks and insurance companies to seek out alternatives to their compliance software. What key points should they focus on in the search?
Banks have to keep pace with ever-increasing expectations when screening transactions for embargo violations, above all: security, speed and cost performance. Machine learning plays a key role in underpinning these efforts.
Product Managers and Project Leads from Actico will speak side by side with Senior Compliance Officers from various banks as well as crypto experts and a representative of the United Nations University.
Customers give insights into their projects carried out together with Actico. Look forward to the success stories of Hamburg Commercial Bank, BayernLB and PostFinance.
The event is free of charge for banking and insurance employees. A flat rate is levied for other participants. The RegTech Day will take place in line with current regulatory advice and the number of participants is limited. Please note that this conference will be held in German. To register for the event, please complete the following form.
"Strong practical relevance with a good mixture of talks and interaction."
"The event was a success in every aspect. Very nice!"
"Really interesting - great presentations."
"Once again I realized how relevant the topic of machine learning is. That's why I think it's great that the platform supports this technology."
Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
Adickesallee 32-34
60322 Frankfurt am Main
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